Romsey Abbey from BIS

Existing and forthcoming Hauptwerk instruments, recommendations, ...
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Romsey Abbey from BIS

Post by IainStinson »

Richard McVeigh has announced that he is preparing a sample set for Hauptwerk of the organ in Romsey Abbey.
I've wanted to sample an organ for a long time, and the opportunity final presented itself to me.

I've sampled this incredible and historic 1858 JW Walker organ, and have tried to capture as much of the organ as is possible... every individual pipe, noises, balances, stop heads... it's my aim to recreate the organ as closely as possible to real life.

There is more to come, and I'll show you more behind-the-scenes before the sample set is released on the BIS Online Shop at the end of August.

Super excited, and super nervous because this is the first organ that the new BIS Sampling team have worked together to create this new project!
Specification: (for the main organ) and (for the nave organ).
The NPOR does not note that the nave organ may also be played from the main console.

Philip Powell
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Re: Romsey Abbey from BIS

Post by Philip Powell »

I am very excited for this instrument, I love hearing Richard play on it! I wonder what the cost is gonna be...

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