Windows 24H2

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Windows 24H2

Post by mnailor »

I upgraded Windows from 22H2 to 24H2 today and retested polyphony on Hauptwerk 9. Used Nancy fully loaded with a MIDI recorded dynamic polyphony test that I've been using since HW6.

This is an i9-12900K. I had to go through performance tuning for realtime audio again, of course. The Windows upgrade enabled Sysmain, various network services, nVIDIA graphics drivers I had uninstalled to use integrated graphics, and USB sleeping. LatencyMon was helpful finding problems. Some apps can only be seen in Control Panel, not in Settings, to uninstall useless things. Interrupts were reset to default cores.

There was no change to polyphony capacity from 22H2 to 24H2 once those things were fixed.
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Re: Windows 24H2

Post by mdyde »

Thanks for the information, Mark. Excellent.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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