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Support Tickets and Support Email

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:29 am
by M. Qualley
The support ticket function on the web site is experiencing a glitch which is being corrected as top priority. As a reminder we are giving free support until Feb. 1, 2020 because of this. This means you don’t need to buy a ticket or use any support tickets you have allotted to you until after this time.

The support ticket function on the web site should be fully functional in the next week and will be fixed well before the free support expires.

The old support emails have been replaced with This email change was made because we added our new Support Manager, François Ratté to the team.

This will be free and not count as a support ticket until Feb. 1, 2020

Use the forum to post as Martin is addressing issues everyday

For basic steps on upgrading to HWV go here:

For basic steps on setting up iLok go here:!resource/video

Support is significantly improved. I believe we have made it confusing with this change in email for those of you accustom to using the old one(s). Also the support ticket function on the web not working properly is not helping. We apologize for this! The free support was intended to help ease some frustration. I do believe most people are experiencing a huge improvement in support once they are in the right place. François has helped tremendously make a significant positive impact.

Everyday we get better and glitches are ironed out. Soon all this will be streamlined and running perfectly. Most of you have been so helpful and supportive and this is genuinely appreciated.

We are truly blessed to have such great people as customers.

Thank you so much for your patience!